
葯膳起源於遠古時期,人類在為了生存而攝取食物的過程中,偶然發現某些食物在果腹的同時,還具有增強體力,減輕疾病癥狀或「治療」疾病的作用。神農嘗百草是 「葯食同源」的最早緣起,而商代宰相伊尹則被尊稱為食療葯膳之鼻祖。經由歷代的經驗累積,中醫藥膳已形成一個豐富而完整的體系。
A gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine to theWorld
In2015, Tu Youyou, a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist, won the Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy againstMalaria, artemisinin. Juleen R. Zierath, Chairman of the Nobel Committee forPhysiology or Medicine said Tu』s “inspiration from traditional Chinesemedicine” was important.
Tofind a cure for malaria, Tu Youyou and her research team scoured ancient textsand folk manuals and traveled to remote parts of the country for clues,ultimately collecting 2,000 potential remedies. She whittled these down to 380extracts from 200 herbs and tested each one on mice.
Anextract from Artemisia annua (Qinghao in Chinese Pinyin) was effective but theresults were variable. Tu reviewed the Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang (Emergency Formulasto Keep Up One』s Sleeve) written by Ge Hong (283-343). This book recorded, 「Ahandful of Qinghao immersed with two litres of water, wring out the juice anddrink it all」. She subsequently used ether to extract active ingredients fromArtemisia annua.
The discovery of artemisinin and its use in treatingmalaria are regarded as a significant breakthrough after quinine andchloroquine. It has saved millions of patients suffering from malaria.

Theories on health cultivation
TheSpring, Autumn and Warring States period witnessed a significant advance inmedicine, including health cultivation. For example, the Lao Zi (aka Dao DeJing) states, 「Just like the deep-rooted plants with firm flower stalks, along, enduring life needs to empty their minds, fill their stomachs, weakentheir wills and strengthen their bones」. The Zhuangzi states, 「Breathing in andout in various manners, spitting out the old and taking in the new, walkinglike a bear and stretching their neck like a bird to achieve longevity」. The LüShi Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annals of Lü Buwei) states, 「Healthcultivation means to understand life and do no harm to life」 and describes therole of physical exercise as 「Running water is never stale and a door-hinge nevergets worm-eaten」.
Thesephilosophical ideas serve as the theoretical foundation for mental regulation,breathing exercise, inward contemplation and refining the body. The concept ofman-nature harmony is explained in the Laozi (aka Daodejing) as, 「Man emulateearth; earth emulates heaven; heaven emulates the Dao; the Dao emulatesspontaneity」.
Ancient Chinese philosophy and health cultivation:Ancient Chinese philosophical wisdoms in Confucianism or Taoism are theunderlying principles and at the same time, ultimate goals of healthcultivation. These wisdoms include man-nature harmony, body-mind unity,everything in moderation and the view of non-action.

Father of the Food Therapy — Yi Yin
Theuse of fire and invention of pottery and wine contributed to the cookingtechniques, decoctions and sweet wine. The chancellor of Yi Yin in the ShangDynasty was King Tang』s former cook, who excelled in cooking food and usingmedicines and thus created decoction therapy. The book of Tang Ye Jing (Classicon Decoctions) by him documented treatment of diseases with different cookingtechniques.
TheLü Shi Chun Qiu Ben Wei Pian (Chapter of Original Tastes, Lü』s Spring andAutumn Annals) in the Qin Dynasty recorded conversions between Yi Yin and Tang(King of Shang) on culinary arts: 「Combination of foods involves the sequenceand amount of different flavors (sweet, sour, bitter and salty)」. 「It』sadvisable to use ginger from Yangpu (somewhere in Sichuan Province) andcinnamon from Zhaoyao (a southern mountain in ancient China) to make the foodtaste delicious. Apart from their dosage and sequence, the text also statesginger and cinnamon are both food and medicine to warm the stomach anddissipate cold. Yi Yin was later addressed respectfully as the father of foodtherapy.
Decoction:①decoction; ② liquid of five cereals, with clear color and bland flavor,opposite to sweet wine.

