上個周六,在大家的鼎力支持下,WUKI將最純正的音樂風暴帶到了上海!當晚這位BASS KING掀翻了Arkham,片草不留。而特殊嘉賓KAKU的表演也可圈可點,全場有多少他的迷妹?當WUKI上場時,便給大家扔來了幾首他稱為「Booty Music」的音樂。之後便開始瘋狂播放尚未發行的歌曲,讓整個現場走向高潮。不記得當晚自己在哪?我們幫你回憶一下!
Wuki took Shanghai by storm! The bass kingpin threw down and was joined by none other than special guest Kaku! It was a hella fresh night filled with dope beats and “booty music” as some would say!
Wuki spared no expense, dropping ID after ID for over an hour! There”s a reason he』s called the edit king, that”s for sure!
Photo Credit:Brian