川金絲猴是中國特有的珍稀瀕危動物,由於棲息地的破壞,現有個體數量約在 8000~15000 之間,為國家一級保護動物。對於這樣的珍稀物種,如果能追溯其起源及遷徙擴散過程,就能夠更好地了解該物種,對保護措施的制定至關重要。近日,雲南大學於黎研究員團隊和中國科學院上海生命科學研究院李海鵬研究員團隊合作,全面解析和闡述了我國珍稀瀕危物種川金絲猴的起源和進化歷史。相關成果於 11 月 28 日在線發表在《分子生物學與進化》(Molecular Biology and Evolution)上。
撰文 匡衛民(論文第一作者) 於黎(論文通訊作者)
編輯 令狐鴨
川金絲猴(Golden snub-nosed monkey,Rhinopithecus roxellana)是著名的珍稀瀕危野生保護動物,隸屬於靈長目、猴科、疣猴亞科、金絲猴屬。川金絲猴為我國特有的珍貴動物,僅分布在我國境內四川以北及甘肅部分地區(四川/甘肅群體)、陝西省秦嶺(秦嶺群體)以及湖北神農架自然保護區(神農架群體),野外個體數量不超過 2 萬隻。
追溯一個物種的起源及擴散過程,能夠更好地了解該物種及其進化歷史,對其保護至關重要。於黎研究員課題組與李海鵬研究員課題組從群體遺傳學角度,利用核基因組、線粒體基因組和 Y 染色體三種分別來自雙親、母系和父系的不同遺傳分子標記全面解析和闡述了現存三個川金絲猴地理群的起源及擴散過程。
研究結果發現:三種遺傳標記顯示了川金絲猴三個群體之間不同的群體結構;核基因組分析發現三個群體之間存在對稱的雙向基因流;線粒體基因組和 Y 染色體分析發現不對稱的基因流事件,進一步的模擬分析表明,不同的群體結構和基因流事件不是由不完全譜系分揀(incomplete lineage sorting)造成的,而是川金絲猴性別傾向性擴散差異(sex-linked dispersal)的結果。
對於川金絲猴的祖先群體分布,群體歷史模擬分析進一步支持了其最先廣泛分布在中國中部和西南部山區,隨後古氣候變化影響導致群體間發生隔離:在大約 24500 年前,神農架群體最先與其他群體發生分歧,隨後逐漸收縮到湖北神農架等各大山系間,而後秦嶺群體在約 13500 年前從四川/甘肅群體遷徙出去並作為建群者。群體間的遷徙過程中伴隨了不平衡的基因流動事件。
標題The origin and population history of the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana)
作者Wei-Min Kuang, Chen Ming, Hai-Peng Li, Hong Wu, Laurent Frantz, Christian Roos, Ya-Ping Zhang, Cheng-Lin Zhang, Ting Jia, Jing-Yuan Yang, Li Yu
期刊Molecular Biology and Evolution
摘要The origin and population history of the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopitheucs roxellana) remain largely unavailable and/or controversial. We here integrate analyses of multiple genomic markers including mitochondrial (mt) genomes, Y chromosomes and autosomes of 54 golden monkey individuals from all three geographic populations (SG, QL and SNJ). Our results reveal contrasting population structures. Mt analyses suggest a division of golden monkeys into five lineages, one in SNJ and two in SG and two in QL. One of the SG lineages (a mixed SG/QL lineage) is basal to all other lineages. In contrast, autosomal analyses place SNJ as the most basal lineage and identify one QL and three SG lineages. Notably, Y analyses bears features similar to mt analyses in placing the SG/QL-mixed lineage as the first-diverging lineage and dividing SG into two lineages, while resembles autosomal analyses in identifying one QL lineage. We further find bi-directional gene flow among all three populations at autosomal loci, while asymmetric gene flow is suggested at mt genomes and Y chromosomes. We propose that different population structures and gene flow scenarios are the result of sex-linked differences in the dispersal pattern of R. roxellana. Moreover, our demographic simulation analyses support an origin hypothesis suggesting that the ancestral R. roxellana population was once widespread and then divided into SNJ and non-SNJ (SG and QL) populations. This differs from previous mt-based 「mono-origin (SG is the source population)」 and 「multi-origin (SG is a fusion of QL and SNJ)」 hypotheses. We provide a detailed and refined scenario for the origin and population history of this endangered primate species, which has a broader significance of Chinese biogeography. In addition, this study highlights the importance to investigate multiple genomic markers with different modes of inheritance to trace the complete evolutionary history of a species especially for those exhibiting differential or mixed patterns of sex dispersal.